Aged Care

At Golden Beach Medical Centre, Aged Care is a clinical area to which we devote significant attention. General Practitioners at Golden Beach Medical Centre are skilled in assessing and treating many of the common clinical conditions that occur in the aging population including ischaemic heart dis...

Child Health

Child Health is an area of clinical medicine that is of great importance to all the doctors at Golden Beach Medical Centre. If you are a parent, you would know that all children are susceptible to a range of illnesses. When it comes to the health of your child, one of the most important things […...

Diabetes Management

Diabetes Mellitus is a common condition that can affect individuals from early childhood, adolescence and all the way through adult life. At Golden Beach Medical Centre, the doctors take a particular interest in the diagnosis, assessment & management of both Type 1 & Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Dia...

Family Medicine

At Golden Beach Medical Centre we are very much a family oriented practice. It is not uncommon for us to be looking after three generations of the same family. We cater for those trying to conceive, pregnant women, birth, babies, toddlers’ right through to teenage years as well as all related i...

Health Assessments

In November 1999 the Federal Government initiated a yearly “health care assessment” consultation available through Medicare. This is to support motivated GP’s to provide health assessments for their patients. All Australians aged 75 and over and Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders aged 55 and ov...

Women’s Health

Doctors at Golden Beach Medical Centre all have an interest in Women’s Health. One in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. Cervical cancer and pre-cancerous changes in the cervix are also common problems. Regular mammograms and Pap Smears are therefore very important screening test...